Town of Coaldale Municipal Forum 2021

The Town of Coaldale Municipal Forum was hosted in the Fall 2021 by the Coaldale Chamber of Commerce. There is a long list of items and details that need to be taken care to properly execute an events such as this. I also get to meet new people along they way. For me this event including working with my co-moderator Wayne Street as well as the Varjassy brothers, Clayton and Joel, owners of Cottonwood Records.

  • Reaching out the the candidates.
  • Meeting with Moderators.
  • Securing a list of questions to ask the candidates.
  • Creating a Power Point.
  • Writing a press release.
  • Reaching out to press to ensure event promotion.
  • Ensuring public engagement for the event.
  • Securing a videographer.
  • Setting up technology for live streaming services.
  • And of course the visual representation to all the behind-the-scenes work, including the development of a variety of marketing materials,
  • Promoting on Social Media.
  • And a pile of other smaller details which I know I am forgetting 🙂
  • For full representation of about this event, including a full video of this event, visit

Wayne also sent long this most gracious note after the event. Thank you Wayne!

“Dear Colleen and Coaldale Chamber of Commerce Board Members. Thank you for the gift certificate given to me for moderating the political forums. It was my pleasure to be involved with them. I hope they both were well received and that you get some positive comments from hosting them. I want to add a special thank you to your Executive Director, Colleen. She was a pleasure to work with and seems very competent and confident of carrying out her duties for the Chamber. Thank you, Wayne”

If you need help hosting a large scale event, please reach out and let me know how I can be of service to you!

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